Current volcanic eruptions – View the active volcanoes on the volcano map
On our planet there is a large number of active volcanoes that have regular activity. Often there are major eruptions, which can be accompanied by an earthquake. Would you like to know where there are active volcanoes in this world and where a volcano erupted recently?
Our volcano map shows you the volcanoes of this world. With the help of the map you have different possibilities to filter the volcanoes. We will go into this in more detail in a moment. In addition, the volcano map will show you the latest earthquakes that have occurred around the world. Are you ready to discover the erupting volcanoes of this world?
The map will show you triangles for volcanoes and circles for recent earthquakes. If you click on the volcano or earthquake with the mouse (on the smartphone with your finger), you will learn more information about it.
Where are the volcanoes? Is a volcano erupting right now? Here’s how to read the volcano map:
On the volcano map, you have the option to filter volcanoes. To do this, you will find various icons at the top of the map that you can use to adjust the selection of volcanoes. If you don’t see the icons, just click or tap on the dark volcano icon. We will briefly explain which icon represents which selection:
If you click on the green icon, all volcanoes in this world will be displayed to them. This selection also includes volcanoes that have not been active for a long time and have been dormant for many years.
If all volcanoes are displayed on the map, you may also see this symbol. The dark volcano indicates that this volcano is completely extinct and no longer has any activity.
Volcanoes displayed in yellow are unstable volcanoes that have regular and rather weaker activity. However, these volcanoes have not had any major eruptions within the last period of time.
For orange volcanoes, there are current warnings that indicate a major eruption in the near future. Volcanoes of this type may already be active, but a major eruption has yet to occur.
Great caution is required for red volcanoes: Here there is currently a danger situation and current eruption warning. Here, a major eruption is already taking place, accompanied by dangerous lava flows and large ash clouds.
In the upper left area of the map you have the possibility to change the map view. Here you can choose between the terrain, satellite, hybrid, road and earth plate map.
Here’s what you should know about volcanoes:
What are volcanoes?
Volcanoes are openings on the Earth’s crust through which molten lava and lava rock are released to the Earth’s surface. They also allow ash and gases from inside the earth to escape. Mostly volcanoes are formed at the borders of the earth’s plates. Due to the constant movement of the plates, which can be up to a few centimeters per year, it is particularly easy for the lava to reach the earth’s surface here.
How do volcanoes form, how are they formed?
Over centuries, the rock fragments and ash accumulate to such an extent that a volcanic mountain is formed. This form of volcano is also called a stratovolcano. A shield volcano, on the other hand, is formed when lava flows out over a long period of time and cools, creating flat volcanic landscapes that resemble a flat shield in appearance. These can be found particularly often in Hawaii. Also daughter volcanoes are to be discovered now and then. These are formed when an extinct volcano becomes active again and a new volcano forms within the empty magma chamber (caldera). An example of a daughter volcano is Mount Vesuvius in Naples, Italy.
What triggers a volcanic eruption?
For a volcanic eruption to occur, a great pressure is needed inside the volcano. This pressure is created by the high temperatures inside the earth and gases inside the volcano. When the temperature is high enough, the rock inside the volcano starts to melt. The resulting magma then seeks its way out.
How does a volcano erupt?
In most cases, all the pressure inside the volcano is then released in one fell swoop in a fraction of an instant. Similar to a bottle of champagne, where the cork flies out. At that moment, the volcano erupts, sending magma, rock and gases to the outside.

VIDEOS of erupting volcanoes!
What does a volcano look like from the inside?
The inside of a volcano consists mostly of liquid rock called magma. Once the magma leaves the volcano, it is called lava. The following drone image provides exciting insights into what a volcano looks like from the inside:
Which volcano is the largest in the world?
The largest volcano in the world is Mauna Loa in Hawaii, which has a height of 4,170 meters above sea level. Due to the fact that the volcano is located in the water at a depth of more than 5 km, it is the largest volcano in the Wetl with a total height of almost 10 km. By the way, literally translated Mauna Loa means “Long Mountain”. The highest volcano, measured by its height above sea level, is Nevado Ojos del Salado, which runs along the border of Chile and Argentina and is 6893 m high.
Which volcanic eruption was the strongest?
The strongest volcanic eruption in modern times took place in Indonesia in April 1815. The volcanic eruption with a force of several million hydrogen bombs claimed almost 100,000 lives. The volcano’s explosion was heard nearly 2,000 kilometers away and caused the average temperature to drop by as much as 2 degrees in the following year.
How many volcanoes are there in the world?
There are currently about 1,500 active volcanoes around the world. This includes volcanoes that have had an eruption within the last 10,000 years.
How many volcanoes are there in Hawaii?
More than 90 different volcanoes have been counted on Hawaii so far. However, volcano researchers suspect that there could be many more volcanoes there.